About Us

Our Philisophy

Exercise is for everyone. No matter what walk of life you come from, everyone including you can benefit from the positive effects of exercise. At Smartfit Electronics, we are not just a store, we are a community of like-minded people who will enrich your exercise journey. Exercise and movement don’t just improve physical health, but mental wellbeing as well. The Smartfit team is motivated to help you become the best version of yourself and we believe a fit lifestyle can be fun and bring joy. We hope you join us on your journey and see yourself become a better you.

Our Vision

We believe a fit lifestyle should be inexpensive and affordable. Here at Smartfit Electronics we provide top quality gear at a low price point. Our philosophy is that exercise is for everyone and this can only be accomplished if our prices are kept low. Our vision is that we want to see everyone out there with a sweat and enjoying every moment. Being a company based in Canada, we want to see more fellow Canadians taking a run, riding a bike, swimming etc. Even if we motivate only one person to get their running shoes on, that’s one life changed for the better and we hope that can be the same for you.

We're Here For You

We have curated an incredible range of products to fulfill your exercise needs from an extensive range of fitness watches to professional wireless earphones. These products will motivate you to get out there and enjoy being active. Sometimes the only difference between sitting on the couch and going for a jog is a boost in the right direction and that’s what our products deliver. Like all great things, Rome wasn’t built in a day. Everyone out there need a bit of motivation and a helping hand to stay focused on their goals. At Smartfit Electronics, that is exactly what we facilitate through our community and products.

“Smartfit Electronics has great products at affordable prices.”


Michelle Tan