How to Make the Most of Your Fitness Tracker

Dec 20, 2019

Fitness trackers are a great way to track and improve your fitness. However, if you don’t make the most out of it, you won’t reach your fitness potential. Here at Smartfit Electronics, we have an incredible range of fitness trackers and we want you to use them to their best.


  1. Download the app


Many fitness trackers have a mobile and/or desktop app which thoroughly shows how your fitness is going. It is much better than purely relying on the tracker itself as it can provide more insights and information. Using a fitness tracker without an app can mean having to manually log your stats at the end of the day. With most apps, it does this all for you and compares it to previous days. Using an app with your fitness tracker is an easy way to get more out of it and see how you are going with much more detail. This is why we recommend getting a fitness tracker with a compatible app (which many have).


  1. Don’t just use it when you are doing exercise


Some people think they should only put their fitness tracker on when they are doing exercise, but this is not the case. By not always having it on, you are missing steps and activity which could be counted. This will provide inaccurate information on how your fitness is really going and could demotivate you. This is why should always wear your fitness tracker. By wearing it all the time, every step is getting counted and you will see how well you are actually doing. Even if it is just walking to another room, you should always wear your tracker as every step matters. Wearing your fitness tracker to bed is personal preference. Some don’t like having something on their wrist at night while some don’t mind. If your fitness tracker has sleep tracking abilities we recommend you keep it on, but if not, take it off.


  1. Use other fitness measurements as well


To fully make use of your fitness tracker, you should use other measurements along side. This includes things such as scales and tape rulers. By using other measurements, you can more accurately set goals. If you measure yourself on the scales and decide you need to lose 20 pounds, you can apply this to how many steps you do per day. You can figure out a good step goal each day which can be measured by your fitness tracker. Different measurement formats work in tandem, not against each other, which is why it is very important to use other tracking methods along side your tracker. In order to fully unlock the functionality of the fitness tracker, combining it with other measuring sources is key and will help you get on track to becoming a better athlete.


  1. Check it throughout the day


Many people do not put their fitness tracker to good use as they only check it at night or barely at all. In order to get the best out of your tracker, you should check it intermittently throughout the day. By checking throughout the day, you can more clearly see how much exercise you need to do to reach your goals. It helps you stay on track and reminds you how you’re going and what you need to work on. If you only check at the end of the day, you may be demotivated if you don’t reach your goal. By checking throughout, you can see your goals during the day and reach them while you still can.


  1. Use every feature of your fitness tracker


Many people only look at and use a small number of metrics, especially steps. However, if you purchase a quality tracker like the ones found here at Smartfit Electronics, there should be much more features. If you stick to a select few, you are limiting the functionality of your fitness tracker. Features like heart rate and blood pressure are criminally underused even though they are incredibly useful. Using every feature means you are getting more metrics to track and the more metrics you have, the better you can track and improve your fitness journey.


  1. Compare and compete with friends


Since you will be collecting many fitness metrics with your fitness tracker, why not make the most of it and compare them and compete with friends. Some trackers have this kind of feature built-in, but if not, it’s not hard to do yourself. Comparing and competing things like your steps with friends can motivate you to do more. Everyone wants to be the best, and if one of your friends has more steps than you, you’ll want to beat them. This can lead you to do more steps than you would ever think of doing purely out of wanting to beat your friends. Having a friend group who do exercise is very motivating and will get you doing more fitness, especially if you compare and compete. You can easily do this by messaging each other your steps at the end of the day and then trying to beat theirs the next day.


Overall, a fitness tracker has a lot of potential which is wasted by the average user. If you fully embrace the tips listed above, you will have a much better time with your tracker and get a lot more out of it. If you’re in need of one, Smartfit Electronics has a vast variety at a low price. Good luck on your fitness journey!